Alyssa Frederick

Design for Bangladesh

Gender: Female

Stanford Class Year: Class of 2024

Major & Minor(s): Product Design & Computer Science

Ethnicity: Indonesian, Spanish, Native American, and German

Professional Experience:

  • Software Engineering Intern at Google


  • Experience with Figma: Moderately Comfortable
  • Programming languages: Python
  • Experience with video animation & editing software: iMovie
  • Experience with design software: SolidWorks CAD

Alyssa Frederick is a rising senior studying Product Design and Computer Science at Stanford University. She is from Los Angeles California. She is Indonesian on her mother’s side and German, Spanish and Native American on her father’s side. Alyssa is passionate about empowering women to dive deep into STEM because she would not have done it without the push and support of her family and teachers around her. In her free time she does a lot of dancing (pre ACL tear), concert-going, scuba diving, and making memories with friends. 

Alyssa is joining Design for Bangladesh as a Teaching Fellow. She believes our interdisciplinary version of design-thinking that also integrates programming and policy analysis is crucial because nothing exists in a vacuum. Alyssa is excited to join Design for Bangladesh to help create spaces for the students, and herself, to learn and grow in.

Relevant Coursework:

  • Mechanical Engineering Coursework:
    • Visual Thinking, Foundations of Product Realization, Product Realization: Design and Making, Mechanical Systems Design, Design Sketching, Introduction to Human Values in Design, Product Design Methods, Designing Your Business
  • Computer Science & Film Coursework:
    • Programming Abstractions, Mathematical Foundations of Computing, Introduction to Probability for Computer Scientists, Computer Organization and Systems

Clubs He is a Part of on Stanford Campus:

Topics He is Passionate About

  • Color Theory

General Interest Areas:

  • Dance & Movement, Sports

Interest Areas within Product Design:

  • Experience design

Favorite Hobbies:

  • Dance, arts & crafts
  • Uncategorized
Khaled Khan

Khaled Khan Gender: — Stanford Class Year:— Major & Minor(s): — Ethnicity:…

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