Eating garlic doesn’t prevent or cure COVID-19

Garlic is a healthy food that may kill some microbes, but there is no evidence that it protects people from COVID-19. The best way to protect yourself from COVID-19 is to keep a safe distance from others and clean your hands frequently and thoroughly.Garlic is a healthy food that may kill some microbes, but there […]

Antibiotics can’t treat or prevent COVID-19

Decent International School Decent International School, Ashulia, Saver, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Get in touch Facebook Twitter Youtube Instagram Linkedin Pinterest Contact +8801747289024,

Vaccine trials involve a diverse range of volunteers

In clinical trials, people volunteer to take and test the vaccine. These volunteers should be from diverse geographic areas, racial and ethnic backgrounds, genders, and ages. They should also include people with underlying health conditions that put them at higher risk for the disease. This helps ensure the vaccine is safe and effective for everyone.

Vaccines are thoroughly tested for safety before they’re made available to the public

Vaccines go through extensive trials before they can be introduced in a country. Expert doctors and scientists follow strict international standards while deciding to make a vaccine available to the public. Like all medicines, vaccines may cause side effects that are usually minor and temporary. More serious side effects are extremely rare. A person is […]

I keep joining computer / programming related

I keep joining computer / programming related groups and leaving due to adverts for ‘eastern European babes looking for rich men’ or out and out porn which do not get acted upon or removed (I accept it can happen accidently but over and over and nothing done about it is not acceptable!!). That hasn’t happened […]

Here are some stats for the last month on membership requests

Every one who is approved agrees to the read the group for a few days before posting. Yet we have a rash of people who join and immediately post. For on topic posts, this isn’t an issue, but we are being inundated with posts that are repeats of questions asked over and over again (“What […]